Credit: This activity was adapted from one designed
by Dr. Stephanie Spielman for the course, Data Science for Biologists at
Rowan University.
Learning objectives
- Gain an understanding of Pasa and the organization’s Nutrient
Density Study
- Start getting familiar with the data for our project
- Practice identifying data types
- Practice indicating the appropriate graph to use for particular
kind(s) of data and question
- Create a graph using
- Refer to the notes you took in lab
- See lecture slides on Types of data and graphs (Moodle)
This dataset, contains a subset of the data that Pasa Sustainable
Agriculture shared with us from their Nutrient Density Study. Each row
comes from a paired crop and soil sample. The columns provide
information about either the farm that provided the sample,
characteristics of the crop that was sampled, or characteristics of the
soil that was sampled.
You will see some entries in the dataset that are NA
which implies a missing value. Sometimes, data is missing or
unknown, and it doesn’t necessarily imply anything is wrong with the
dataset. Instead, it implies that data collection can be challenging,
and you can’t always get all the information you want.
Specific instructions
Ultimately you will submit your answers through the associated
problem set on Moodle. Feel free to record your initial thoughts on a
separate document if it helps you to organize your answers.
Set 1
For these questions, use your notes from lab to record your best
answer based on the information that was shared with us by Sarah Isbell.
Your responses will be helpful to refer back to later in the semester as
we get deeper into the data analysis.
- What do you understand to be the motivation(s) for
the Nutrient Density Study? Why was the study initiated? (consider both
Pasa as an organization and participating farmers; 2-4 sentences).
- What do you understand to be the experimental
design of the Nutrient Density Study? (2-4 sentences)
- Is it an observational study or a
manipulative experiment? (think back to ENST 162…)
- What determined where and when samples were collected?
- What do you understand to be the methodology of the
Nutrient Density Study? (2-4 sentences)
- What types of measurements were made and recorded on farm practices,
crop characteristics, and soil characteristics?
- Who made these measurements and how?
- What do you understand to be the goals of our work
this semester, from the perspective of our partner? (2-4 sentences)
- What is Pasa hoping to get out of the collaboration?
- What kinds of insights might be useful and interesting to Pasa’s
farmer members?